Highland Quietlife takes the responsibility of both yours and our safety during your Forest Bathing session very seriously. Below is an outline of the precautions we have in place:
At the Time of Booking
We have reduced our group sizes to 8 people to allow us to maintain suitable social distancing for the group and those people that may also be in the area. On confirmation of your booking you will receive a link to a Covid Health Questionnaire. Please complete this no more than 48 hours before the start of your session. This will check you are not showing symptoms of Covid-19, living with or in close contact with someone that is, or are visiting from an an area with a known concentrated outbreak etc. We will also capture the names and contact details for all guests to allow for Track and Trace if required within 14 days after your session.
During Your Session
We shall be meeting outside and so masks are not compulsory although please wear one if you wish too. We will maintain 2m distance between household / bubble groups throughout the session and will ensure there is space to do this at the times we are together as a group.
We normally end a session with tea and snacks; this will still happen but the snacks will be individually wrapped and you are more than welcome to bring your own if you prefer. As your guide I will ensure I hand sanitise when laying out the 'tea'.
Risk Assessment
Highland Quietlife has a detailed risk assessment for in person Forest Therapy sessions, this is available on request.
Good To Go Scheme

Highland Quietlife has a Good To Go certification which can be viewed here.
Sports Scotland E-Learning Certification
As your guide, I have completed e-learning modules with Sports Scotland for 'Covid awareness information for players, participants and parents/carers during the COVID-19 pandemic' and certified as a 'Covid Officer'.
As part of our Covid-19 polices and procedures we are regularly monitoring Scottish and Westminster Government guidance and making alterations as required. We also receive information via Visit Scotland, the Cairngorms Business Partnership and Sports Scotland.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact us.